Piedad Mart�nez (pie) | Sunday, September 08, 2002 - 04:50 am  Hello, my name is Pie I am thirty nine and pregnant for the first time after following an antibiotic therapy with Dr. Toth. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for six years. We went under several infertility treatments in well known clinics. During these, I had an echtopic pregnancy and I nearly lost my ovary ( it never worked well again and I was diagnosed low responder). On the other hand my opposite tube was supposed to be blocked, so I did IVF. It never worked. My embryos were good quality but I always lost them in the first days. I was told I could probably never have my own children. By chance, a colleague , who has now to daughters after an antibiotic therapy, spoke us about Dr. Toth. We went to visit him in August 2002. After an exhaustive examination he discovered some bacteria We took the oral antibiotics he prescribed After six months (that is the time he estimated for the body to recover after the antibiotics) I got a natural pregnancy. Now we are 28 weeks pregnant of a little baby boy. And everything goes well. We are very happy as you can imagine, thanks to Dr. Toth. I hope knowing our story can help to success. other men and women trying to conceive . Good luck |