Susan G. Hobson (susan) | Thursday, August 08, 2002 - 03:15 pm  Hi! My name is Susan. My dh Randy and I went to see Dr. Toth in the fall of 2001. We had been trying to conceive without any luck. I had never receievd a positive beta nor had I ever had a positive HPT. It was pretty discouraging. We had done IUIs without success and were considering doing an IVF. We found Dr. Toth's theory to make so much sense it was hard to see why all the RE's we had consulted had not advised us of the importance of finding and eradicating bacteria that might prevent conception prior to trying to conceive. Dr. Toth spent a great deal of time answering our questions, both in his office and by telephone when we returned home to Seattle. HE was kind, generous and very frank. Dr. Toth found that I had four bacteria and DH had bacteria as well. We took the oral antibiotics. Dr, Toth thouht that I had contracted the bacteria that prevented conception in utero from my mother and that it woyuld be tough to treat. The enodmetrial culture follwoing the oral antibiotics showed that the bacteria still remained. So we started the IV antibiotics for ten days. I felt in my bones that the anitibiotic treatment was going to be the answer for us, even thouh all the RE's I had seen belived my inability to conceive was due to AMA or Advanced Maternal Age. During the time I was on the IV antibiocs I was also starting an IVF cycle. My RE would let me stay on the IV antibiotics but would not allow me to have the uterine washings which was part of Dr. Toth's antibiotic treatment. I was heartbroken. After talking to Dr. Toth we decided to finish up the IV antibiotics and to do the uterine washings in the future. That IVF cycle was cancelled and converted into my 5th IUI. Our bea for that was negative. My RE was going to do another IVF cycle that next month, February. But when my blood was tested it was found that my FSH was too high (FSH 24, E2 20), so the cycle was cancelled. I had already arranged to do the uterine washings that cycle with Dr. Toth, so I did. Dr. Toth was out of the office at the time and Angela did a great job of doing the washings. I felt some twinges after the third day and Angela said that that was good, that it was a sign that they were working. We had decided on also trying to use donor eggs to become pregnant. When I finished my last uterine wshings, I went back home to Seattle. About twelve days later we went down to Portland, Oregon to enroll in a donor egg program down there. Early the morning of our appointment I took an HPT and thought there might have beena ghost of a line. Randy thouht so too. Well we went into our appt and when the RE asked us if there were any questions, I mentioned the HPT. He said he would do a Beta HCG. So while Randy was having blood taken for our donor cycle, I had that done. We did not really think we were pregnant so we decided to continue with our appointments at the clinic for donor eggs. We were sitting in the psychologist's office being screened for using donor eggs, when the RE called and said we were pregnant! I can not tell you the shock I felt. It did not seem real at all. It was as if it was happening to someone else. I had never in my whole life had a positive beta before. We finished the appointment with the psychologist as we thought due to my age this could be a short-lived pregnancy. When we left the psychologist's office I called Dr. Toth's office and told Dr. Toth and Angela the news. actaully I was screaming the news! Dr.Toth was happy and prescribed antibiotics which he called into our pharmacy in Seattle. Angela also suggestd that I stay in bed for the first 15 weeks. We had planned to spend the weekend in Portland but instead came home to Seattle, took the antibiotics and went to bed. Believe me, this has been no hardship after all the testing and negatives. Today I am over 6 months pregnant with (according to our ultrasounds and Quad Screen) a healthy baby boy! Dr. Toth continues to be involved in my care during the pregnancy and for that I am very grateful. This has been a miracle for us! I encourage all women who are undergoing problems with conceiving to seek Dr. Toth's treatment. I truly believe that if anyone can help, it is Dr. Toth! Susan |