Michele (sorrelmi) | Sunday, December 15, 2002 - 04:44 pm  Hi All! I'm 41 and finally 8wks PG! I started out with my new husband 1 1/2 yrs ago not thinking we would have any problems conceiving. Well, after failed clomid, IUI and IVF I finally decided that the whole IF world was much to expensive and emotionally draining to just keep blindly trying. Up until that point we were testing fine for everything and even though I was older, my FSH level was good. We had good results in our cycles and grade 1 embryo's with no fragmentation. So I could not understand why it wasn't working! I started going on the infertility discussion boards to try to find out what other woman were doing and met some great friends there. A UK friend of mine was travelling to the US to get tested/treated with Dr. Toth. She told me about his website where I read up on everything and became convinced that I should at least make sure that bacteria infections were not my problem before I went onto IVF #2. I had been on BCP's for a very long time(18 yrs approx.) and AF had become scant, and a brownish-red(excuse graphics!). I had just assumed that that was normal. I set up an appt with Dr. Toth thinking I would just make sure that I covered all bases. Well, to my surprise both me and DH had about 5 different infections between us! I had a major infection of Mycoplasma plus 2 others. It was so bad, we weren't quite sure how long I had even had it! I was pretty shocked as I thought I would be tested and moving on. But since Myco is a known cause of infertility, there was no question that I would pursue the most aggressive anti-bi treatment of uterine washings and 10 day IV anti-bi treatment. DH did 5 wks oral anti-bi's also. I finished the treatment in August. I did IVF #2 immmediately after finishing my treatment, which did not work, but my reaction to the stimulation drugs and fertilization results were improved. Also, for the first time, AF was coming in like I was a teenager again! Only then, did I realize how I must of had the Mycoplasma for so long! Shortly after I went onto IVF #3 and it worked! So I just wanted to thank Dr. Toth for being one of the few Dr's around taking the chance on woman like myself who really want answers and not the old lines, like; It's your eggs, or your too old! Thanks again Dr. Toth and keep up the good work! Sincerely, Michele |