
The Fertility Solution Discussion Board: Infections: Prostatitis

Christine Cederberg (christine)

Friday, November 14, 2003 - 02:30 am Click here to edit this post
Hi there,

I am new to this message board and am looking forward to hearing from others who may find themselves in the same situation as I/we.

We started our fertility testing in August and the results have shown that while I seem to be okay (normal hormonal results - believed regular O), my husband has had 2 abnormal sperm analysis results. He seems to have good volumes, normal motility but abnormal morphology (1% in the first and 3% in the second).

Our fertility doctor discovered bacteria in my husbands prostate tests (prostatis?) and my husband is currently taking antibiotics (Ciproxin)for 30 days to see if it can help the bacterial infection.

My questions:

1. Has anyone ever had this?
2. If so, can antibiotics really help to improve sperm quality?
3. Those of you who have been through this, has antibiotic treatment helped you succeed in getting pg?

We have been ttc#1 for over 15 months now.

Thank-you in advance for any advice or help you can provide.


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