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AND YOUR BABY’S HEALTHExcerpts from the book
“In actual practice, less than 30 percent of ART procedures result in a birth…” “An ART-assisted birth is more likely to produce a baby with low birth weight, a condition that can have a profoundly negative influence on the lifelong health of the child…”
“A woman, who conceives through ART, especially if she’s beyond her mid-thirties, is also more likely to deliver after an abnormal labor process, often resulting in cesarean section....”
“The past few decades have brought an epidemic of infertility…”
“The only explanation for an infertility rate so far out of proportion with logic and nature is that some specific agent or combination of agents is “breeding” infertility among us, and this breeding process is increasing from generation to generation…”
“It is my firm belief, as well as my clinical experience, that the culprits are pathogens…”
“In cases of conception and birth after the uterine environment has been restored to health by comprehensive antibiotic therapy, the results have almost always been unilaterally positive: an uncomplicated pregnancy, a trouble-free delivery within a few days of the projected due date, and, most gratifying of all, a normal-weight baby who exhibits none of the abnormal physical, mental, or emotional problems…”
About horizontal transmission of pathogens:
“The most well known way in which an individual’s reproductive system can become infected with pathogens is through sexual contact with another person whose reproductive system is already infected…”About vertical transmission of pathogens:
“In fact, given the way vertical transmission works, the true origin of these agents may go back for generations in either or both of the parents’ family lines. The result is a chain of intermittent fertility problems that gets passed along until, eventually, there may come a “final generation” individual or couple that can’t produce a child…”“Infertile couples and their doctors understandably feel an urgent pressure to resolve this enigma…. It’s small wonder that they focus their attention on any obvious sign of trouble they can find: for example, an atypically low number of sperm or a thinner-than-normal lining in the uterus. Unfortunately, they often--I would even say usually--stop their investigation there and immediately begin a therapy to correct or overcome the obstacle. Low sperm count? Let’s concentrate the available sperm into a specific amount of fluid and then inject the fluid directly into the uterus. Thin uterine lining? Let’s use hormone supplements to create a thicker lining…”
"The problem with this strategy is that it confuses a sign or symptom of a problem with the source or cause of that problem….”
“Too many times doctors begin treating a problem as soon as they detect one, instead of investigating the problem more thoroughly to discover its root cause. In effect, they wind up organizing treatment around a symptom rather than the illness itself…”
“In the majority of infertility cases, I am convinced that pathogens are the hidden culprits, the destructive agents lurking behind the scene, the culprits we can only discover by assuming new points of view…”
“Nothing short of incorporating microbiology as a cornerstone in the diagnostic stage will allow a full understanding of the scope of every infertility problem…”
“Since antibiotic therapy, in general is by far less expensive than other infertility treatments, it is a well worth investment…”
“Focusing strictly on health issues, we need to remember that our reproductive system’s well-being, or lack of it, is intimately connected with our physical health in general. It is also tied, somewhat more loosely, to the reproductive and physical health of our parents, our partner, our partners’ parents, and so on…. this is because similar pathogens, acquired either vertically or horizontally, can cause infertility-related difficulties as well as a host of other major diseases…”
“What is the alternative to using antibiotics to restore good reproductive health? If you have a pathogenic infection and don’t use antibiotics—the only means of controlling or eradicating an infection—the alternative could be a miscarriage, a complicated pregnancy, a cesarean section, a stillbirth, or an unhealthy child as well as the propagation of reproductive and medical health problems in coming generations…”
“Science will confirm that sophisticated ART procedures, by allowing babies to develop in infected environments, tend to generate a new type of human being with clustered medical problems…”
“Antibiotic therapy is the most successful “eugenic experiment” in modern reproductive medicine…”
“I expect major health policy changes, including a widespread campaign for education in these matters and later, most likely, legal enforcement of sound health practices like testing for pathogens…”
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