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Being unable to produce a much-wanted child is a singularly heartbreaking experience. It seems not only unfair but also unnatural. In fact, the feeling that it is somehow unnatural is not far from the truth. Left to themselves, the male and female reproductive systems are hardy and well engineered to succeed. When they do fail, it’s almost always because of outside invaders: bacteria and other infectious agents (collectively called pathogens) that wreak critical damage on vital body tissues and mechanisms.
The good news is that proper antibiotic treatment—the safest, least invasive, and least costly form of infertility treatment—can usually restore fertility. The bad news is that antibiotic treatment is often bypassed in favor of the quick technological fix, which involves more expensive and risky but more impressively sophisticated procedures like hormone therapy, in vitro (or test tube) fertilization, and intrauterine insemination.
This book is a wake-up call to people suffering from infertility and the doctors who treat them. It makes the case for returning to basic common sense in treating infertility. It spells out exactly why we need to pay more attention to the biggest troublemakers in infertility cases, pathogens, and the most potentially effective infertility treatment, antibiotic therapy.
My previous book, The Fertility Solution, sounded this call 12 years ago. Since then, amazing progress has been made in appreciating the pathogenic sources of infertility and, as a result, in administering proper antibiotic treatment. However, recent discoveries have made the need to focus on these issues increasingly more urgent.
Over the past decade, a vast amount of evidence has been accumulated to show that pathogens are passed not only from one sexual partner to the other in reproductive fluids, but also from mother to child in fluids associated with a contaminated uterus or birth canal. Meanwhile, an even more startling picture has been developing from scientific research: Pathogens have been shown to trigger damage leading not only to infertility, but also to a growing list of other major health problems, including different forms of heart disease, cancer, and immune-related illnesses. Many of these illnesses were, and still are, commonly attributed to genetic or environmental factors, but such notions are now being challenged on every front as scientific research continues to uncover more about pathogens and their astonishing capabilities.
In this book, I offer evidence from my own long and extensive clinical experience to demonstrate that pathogens are major causes of infertility as well as many other health problems. I also describe in detail how antibiotic therapy can restore infertility and help guarantee better overall health for you, your child, and even your child’s descendents. Finally, I give you specially designed questionnaires that you can use to estimate how seriously you may be threatened by infertility and other significant diseases.
Throughout the book, I cite an abundance of scientific research that supports my claims about pathogens and their connection to infertility and a host of major illnesses. Regrettably there is no comprehensive study that absolutely confirms all of these claims. The scope of such a study is well beyond the capabilities of a single research team or clinic. Most likely the proof will have to emerge out of the collective contribution of hundreds of researchers and clinics. I hope the book can stimulate public and private agencies to devote more time, energy, and resources to this crucially important work.
Even more I hope the book can help individual couples in their personal struggle to overcome infertility and create the healthy baby they yearn to bring into the world. The future of all of us is at stake.
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