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Staff: The Fertility Solution

The Staff of The MacLeod Laboratory:

Dr. TothThe director and primary physician of the MacLeod Laboratory is Attila Toth, M.D., who is Board Certified in Anatomical and Clinical Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology. He has thirty years of experience treating infectious diseases and infertility. He is a clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York Presbyterian Medical Center and the protégé of Dr. John MacLeod, a pioneer in male infertility, who set the currently accepted standards for evaluating seminal fluid.

Dr. Toth is the first physician to emphasize the correlation between gynecological and urological infections and the importance of treating the couple as a unit when approaching infertility problems. Successful treatment of genital tract infections, in either sex, requires a full knowledge of the bacterial flora of both partners. 

In the late 70's there was a sharp turn in the treatment of infertility when most experts gave up exploring the real causes of infertility and adopted artificial reproductive technologies, including IVF procedures, yielding notoriously suboptimal outcomes. 

The MacLeod Laboratory took the common sense approach of exploring and eliminating the cause of infertility to restore a couple's chance for natural conception. Such pregnancies yielded uncomplicated deliveries with healthy newborns.  We pride ourselves on the fact that pregnancies taking place after our therapy have practically no complications and the newborns never need intensive care.

In 2002 Dr. Toth introduced direct antibiotic injection therapy for chronic prostatitis. We are the only clinic in the United States offering this service.  As the number of treated patients increases, our knowledge about chronic prostatitis expands. As time passes we are able to help more and more patients significantly.

Yu-Xin Lui, M.D., a former professor of Cell Biology and Embryology at the University of Shanghai, has spent most of her career researching cell biology, immunology and embryology. She came to this country as a research fellow and worked at New York University for two years before joining the MacLeod Laboratory in the capacity of Embryologist and Director of Laboratory Services.

Ms. Colleen Schook,  
  medical assistant,  has her B.S. in Cell Biology and Neuroscience with a concentration in Biomedical Science.  Colleen assists in all medical and laboratory procedures and is fully qualified to perform a number of those independently.

Ms. Marie Bedford, a psychology major at the AmericanUniversity in WashingtonD.C., is currently the main liaison between Dr. Toth and the patients. She is familiar with all laboratory procedures and assists the patients with administrative matters.


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The Infertility Solution

A. Toth, M.D.
Obstetrician, Gynecologist, & Pathologist
65 E. 79th Street
New York, NY 10021
voice 212.717.4444
fax 212.717.1868
email drtoth@fertilitysolution.com

The Fertility Solution